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BELTANE: Traditional Ritual

Beltane on May 3rd-5th

Beltane or Bealtaine, is a traditional “May Day” celebration on May 1st

If you want to celebrate with tradition, the actual Beltane celebration begins on sundown of the preceding day, April 30, because the Celts counted their days from sundown to sundown. Also, sundown is the proper time  to begin your “bel-fire”. Celts of today still pile Oak wood and ignite  huge fires that may be seen for miles.

Beltane Incense you can make

3 parts Frankincense powder
2 parts Sandal wood (golden or red)
1 part Violet herb
1 part Red Rose petals
a few drops of Jasmine oil
a few drops of Neroli oil

Beltane Ritual celebration ~ For a solitary or any size group
I recommend a pit fire if possible, you will enjoy the positive spiritual influence, and it is an ancient Beltane tradition. Just be sure your fire is safe, the area around it is protected, and if you decide to jump, definitely try it skyclad!

Create several small amulets or charms in honor of the Goddess and God’s marriage; these are traditionally hung upon a tree. Charms may be bags filled with flowers, strings of beads, small tokens (talismans or amulets), or herb sachets, anything creative that you make with spiritual intent.


It’s important to prepare yourself as well as your space. On the day of your ceremony take a shower or bath. For Beltane, to a bath you will traditionally add Wisteria, Violets, Benzoin or Vanilla essential oil- a few drops is plenty. Take time to align your energies by meditation, prepare your energies for the spiritual experience ahead. Light fragrant candles before you relax. You can hold your favorite crystals, burn a soft incense, lightly coat a candle with fragrant oils, whatever feels right for you.

Items you may want for the ritual and altar:

  • Robe: white, violet or green to wear outdoors if you can, sandals
  • Altar cloth: green, violet, or white, for the ground, or any surface
  • Flowers: violets & primrose; ivy & marigolds are nice and colorful
  • Water bowl; salt bowl
  • Incense burner; Thurible with 2″ of sand and charcoal disk
  • Athame, Wand or Sword
  • Dove’s Blood ink, quill to print invocation.
  • Mortar & pestle to mix incense. Cinnamon or cedar herb smudge.
  • Chalice for wine or juice, bowl of fruit, cookies, or cakes to share.

To create a circle, follow traditional steps for a circle to create your sacred space:

After you have called the quarters and invited the elemental spirits, recite the invocation & blessing below to invite the Goddess and God into your celebration.

At your altar-speak from the heart with wand upraised:

Mother goddess, Queen of the night and of the Earth;
O Father God, King of the day and of the forest,
I celebrate Your union as nature rejoices in a riotous
blaze of colour and life. Accept my gift, Mother Goddess
and Father God, in honour of Your union.

Hang charms & tokens on the tree, and say the following:

From Your mating shall spring fourth life anew;
a profusion of living creatures shall cover the lands,
and the winds will blow pure and sweet.
Ancient Ones, I celebrate with You!

You may perform any spellwork at this time if you decide to cast your circle outdoors. Beltane is a magick time, a great opportunity to perform positive magick, increase energies, and perform astral travel- to fly, if you like. You can celebrate through the night, into the dawn, or start your rites at dawn, as you prefer. Celebrate by dancing, singing, twirling and jumping a fire, or use a drum, flute, any musical instrument to celebrate.

Before you close your circle, share this poem or song.

A spirited dedication to commemorate this Sabbat:

“Sparks fly err the bel fire burns,
Green Man shivers as skye turns.
Moon cast shadow o’er white skin,
Skyclad virgins turn wild in the din.

Oh, do not tell the priest of our art,
or he would call it a sin;
But we shall be in the woods all night
A-Conjuring summer in!

And we bring you news by word of mouth,
For women cattle and corn-
Now the sun has come up from the south
With oak and ash and thorn!”

Your can enjoy your celebration solitary or in a group. Individuals may take turns singing.

Be sure to release all Spirits and Deities after you partake in foods for thanks-giving. Close your circle before leaving it; if you raised a cone of power be sure to properly ground yourself.

Write your celebration and experience in your Book of Shadows to save your work for reference.

Notes: Colors most associated with Beltane are white and dark green, but can be any bright color representing the rainbow of living things. Beltane celebration include crystals or stones of Amethyst, bloodstone, emerald, red carnelian, rose quartz, and sapphire.


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