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SPELLS: Cast a Circle

Circle Casting for Ritual Magick: The basic process to begin your Spell Work

When you are ready to begin any spell, it is important that you cast a circle, or create a Sacred Space, to provide protection, keep out undesirable energies, and contain the power which you will raise until it is time to release it to the Universe. Depending upon your own personal preferences, you may create this space by performing a ritual as simple as walking around your altar three times, visualizing a blue circle of flames and perform your spell.

Or, you can conduct something a little more elaborate, such as the following ceremonial ritual:

How to Prepare and Cast your “Circle” for any ceremonial purpose:

Things you may want that can create the ambiance for a successful ritual:

Start with your “altar space”:

Altar Candles (2)
Salt Dish
Quarter Candles (4)

Optional: Wand, Candle Snuffer, Ritual Sword

Cleanse and Bless your altar items, so they are fit for use before Gods and Elemental Spirits.

A Solitary, or a Ritual Leader waits until the time feels best to begin, then rises:


I light the Candles, lights the Goddess and God Candle
in the name of the Ancients Spirits,
which are, were, and ever shall be
male, female, all-knowing, all-powerful
and forever omnipresent.
And in the names of the four Mighty Ones,
the rulers of the elements, Earth, Air, Fire and Water,
may power and blessing descend
in this hour upon this place
and those gathered here.

Now, light the four quarter candles beginning with East and then S/W/N.

I ask for the Blessing of the AIR, the Powers of Mind to assist me.
Blessed are the Spirits of Sylphs, the essence of Spiritual Existence.
I ask for the Blessing of the Fires, the Power of Action to assist me.
Blessed are the Spirits of the Salamanders, essence of Fire and Strength.
I ask for the Blessing of the Waters, the Power of Emotions to assist me.
Blessed are the Spirits of the Undines, the Power of Fortune and Abundance.
I ask for the Blessing of the Earth, Powers of the Body to assist me.
Blessed are the Spirits of the Gnomes, they embody the Energy of Life.


Kneel before the altar and place the Water Bowl upon the Pentacle.

Purify the water by plunging the tip of his/her athame into the water, saying:

Creature of Water, I cast out from thee all the impurity and uncleanliness of the world of phantasm. In the names of Cernunnos and Cerridwen


Set the Water Bowl aside and in its place sets the Salt Dish upon the Pentacle. Touch salt with tip of athame, saying:

Blessings be upon thee, O Creature of Salt; let all malignity and hindrance be cast forth from thee, and let all good enter within. Wherefore do I bless and consecrate thee, to aid me. In the names of Cernunnos and Cerridwen.

Using the tip of the athame, take three measures of salt, add it to the water, then stir deosil three times with the athame, saying:

But ever mind that as water and salt purifies the body, so the scourge purifies the soul. So mote it be!


Draw a circle, continuous from north deosil unto north with the Sword (or athame), saying:

I conjure thee, O Circle of Power, that thou beest a boundary between the world of men and the realms of the Mighty Ones; a meeting place of love and joy and truth; a shield against all wickedness and evil; a rampart and protection that shall preserve and contain the power that we raise within thee. Wherefore do I bless thee, and consecrate thee, in the names of Cernunnos and Cerridwen.


Take up the consecrated water and sprinkle the Circle with  fingertips, from north deosil unto north. Water Bowl is now returned to altar.

Take up the censer, and likewise cense the Circle from north unto north.


Face East

With athame, draw three deosil circles and then an invoking earth pentagram, saying:

Lords of the Watchtowers of the East, ye Lords of Air;
I, do summon, stir and call you up, to witness this rite and guard the Circle!

Turn and face South. Ring the bell

With athame, draw three deosil circles and then an invoking earth pentagram, saying:

Lords of the Watchtowers of the South, ye Lords of Fire;I, do summon, stir and call you up, to witness this rite and guard the Circle!

Similarly, to West:

Lords of the Watchtowers of the West, ye Lords of Water; Lords of Death and Initiation;I, do summon, stir and call you up, to witness this rite and guard the Circle!

Again to North:

Lords of the Watchtowers of the North, ye Lords of Earth; Boreas, thou Guardian of the Northern Portals;
I, do summon, stir and call you up, to witness this rite and guard the Circle!

Turn back to the East bow lightly.

To North, ring bell:

Mighty Ones,
Lords of the Watchtowers of the Universe,
Dread Lords of the outer spaces,
Thou powerful God, thou gentle Goddess,
I invite you to meet here now.
O thou Loving Cerridwen.
O thou Mighty Cernunnos,
I stand before you to ….”       (state your intent)

The Circle is now perfect.

It is important NOT to leave your circle until it has been uncast. If you do need to leave the circle for any reason, you must first cut a “doorway”. Standing in the East, take athame and cut straight down through the air, come back up, and go down again. Now take and put hands together in front of you, and move the three circles (saltwater, incense, sword) apart (as if you are parting a curtain). Walk through the circle, turn and, facing the circle, close the opening with your hands. This will seal the circle so that nothing can enter or leave while you are gone. To leave a circle open would be an open invitation for an entity (good or evil) to enter. Keeping evil out of the circle was the reason for making a circle of protection in the first place, so make sure not to leave it open!!! When you return to the circle, follow the same procedure. Cut the circle, open (pull it apart), step through, and close again.

Closing the Circle:

When the Circle’s work is done, step to each quarter, in reverse :

Lords of the Watchtowers of the East, ye Lords of Air, thank you for attending this rite; and ere ye depart to your beauteous realms, I bid thee Hail and Farewell…

Extinguish the Quarter candle.

Repeat for the remaining Quarters, addressing each with the titles by which it was invoked.

Give thanks and goodbye to the God and Goddess. (Words To Be Decided.) and extinguish the altar candles.

Thank and dismiss any spirits who have gathered.

The Circle is open but unbroken. Merry meet, merry part and merry meet again.

This rite is ended!
So mote it be!

The circle is the sacred space in which magick is worked, where magicians can meet with the Goddess and God.

The magick circle defines the ritual area, holds in personal power and shuts out all distractions and negative energies. A 25” length of rope is often used, or chalk on hard floors that is easily removed afterwards.

You can use any objects outside on the ground to show the boundaries of a circle: stones, flowers, branches, candles or crystals are all used for this purpose.


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