Magick Oil Recipes

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Creating Potion Oils for Magical Workings  (recipes in alpha order)

See amounts and measurements described in: Carriers & Measuring

Collect, preserve and mix herbs with carrier oils: How to preserve magical oils

For quick reference: One Part=
1 drop essential oil
1 Pea size resin chip
1 half tsp of ground powder or resin

Abramelin Oil ~ Spirit contact and tool consecration.

one part Myrrh in tears
one part Fine Cinnamon
two parts Galangal
2 oz of Olive Oil (herbs are half the oil volume)

All Saints Oil
To 2 oz. base oil add equal parts: (1 or 2 parts)

Tonka Bean
Patchouli (if using herb, 1/2 tsp)
Vanilla (whole bean crushed)

Anointing Oil

Patchouli oil 4 parts
Cinnamon 2 parts
Verbena 4 parts
Add to 2 oz sweet almond oil.

Used to bless candles before a ritual. Working outwards, coat entire candle
with oil from the middle to each end, while visualizing your magical intent.
For purification & cleansing, use to wipe down your altar or ritual area.
(Spellwork- use on candles; add to incense; in purification bath water).

Astral Travel Oil

5 drops Sandalwood
1 drop Ylang Ylang
1 drop Cinnamon
Add to 2 oz olive oil

Attraction Oil

Carrier oil – 1 oz (sweet almond)
Lovage Herb – tsp
Lemon Peel – tsp
Rose Petals -tsp
Lemon Balm -1/2 tsp
Small piece of Lodestone

Mix herbs in oil, set under a waxing moon for the 3 days before full.
Attract a mate, anoint forehead, below the heart, and above naval.
Add 7 drops to your bath water once a week to attract a new lover.
Put 3 drops on a cotton ball and place in shoes for luck in love.

Banishing Oil

1/2 oz. olive oil
15 drops pine essential oil
12 drops rue essential oil
10 drops peppermint oil
7 drops pepper oil
Add crushed black pepper corns and an obsidian or black onyx chip.

Mix during a waning moon for best result.

Binding Oils ~ Druid Curse

Dill – 1/16 oz
Anise – 1/8 oz
Galangal – 1/4 oz
Hyssop – 1/16 oz
Myrrh – 1/4 oz

Blessing Oil

Frankincense Powder – 1/2 oz
Benzoin Powder – 1/2 oz
Add 2 tblsp of mixture to 2 oz carrier oil.

To purify and bless altar & tools. You should be able to make several portions.

Communion with Animals and Astral Beings

Fir cone 1/4 oz
Juniper berry 1/4 oz
Pine seeds 1/8 oz

Courage Oil

Mix equal parts of the following:
To Rosemary & Five-Finger grass (Cinquefoil Herb),
add gardenia petals, crush.
Add 2 tbsp mixture to 2 oz of carrier oil.
Add piece High John the Conqueror Root to each bottle.

Dark Moon Oil

7 drops Jasmine Oil
2 drops Chamomile Oil
3 drops Patchouli Oil
1 drop Sandalwood Oil

Divination Oil

1 part musk oil
1 part ambergris oil (expensive)
2 parts vetivert
2 parts violet (dried crushed petals)
4 parts lilac (dried crushed booms)
Add to 2 oz coconut oil or hazelnut oil

Divination oil will open up psychic vision for clarity and increased eyesight.
Used as anointing oil on the forehead (third eye) and the temples for discernment.

Evictus Oil (Hoodoo Go Away Oil)

2 parts Hot Foot
2 parts Jinx Removing
2 parts Patchouli
1 part Verbena
2 oz carrier oil

Full Moon Oil

3 parts Rose (crushed dried buds)
1 part Jasmine
1 part Sandalwood
1 oz carrier sweet almond oil

Gambler’s Luck Oil

3 parts cinnamon
1 part carnation petals
1 part anise seed
Add two tbsp of this mixture to 2 oz of oil.
Add a piece of High John the Conqueror Root to every bottle.

Go Away Oil

1 part Hot Foot
1 part Jinx Removing
1/2 part Cinnamon
1/2 part Verbena
1 part Patchouli

Goddess of Love Oil

3 drops Rose oil
3 drops Mint oil
3 drops Musk oil

Rub on your hands prior to meeting with a person you are
“interested” in to encourage new or further interest.

Gypsy Blood Oil

2 parts Patchouli Oil
1 part Guinea Pepper

Will make a troublesome neighbor uproot and move away when sprinkled
on their doorknob. Use two tablespoons of mixture to 2 ounces of oil.

Hoodoo Oil

1/4 cup Sunflower oil
3 tbsp Honey
3 dried pumpkin seeds
6 drops honeysuckle oil
3 drops rose oil
3 drops Patchouli oil

When the Moon is full, crush the pumpkin seeds using a mortar & pestle,
and then mix all of the ingredients together by the light of a new white candle.
Using a sterilized silver pin, prick your right thumb & add 3 drops of your
blood to the mixture. Spit twice into the mixture & stir thrice.

Hot Foot Oil

1 part Citronella
1 part Cinnamon
Isis Oil (for Ritual Rites of Isis)
7 drops oil of rose
2 drops oil of Camphor
2 drops tincture of myrrh
3 drops oil of blue hyacinth

Blend the oils of rose, camphor, and blue hyacinth during the waxing moon.
Bottle and keep till the Moon wanes New.
Add Myrrh after the blend has fully matured.

Love Drawing Oil

(for women) Use two tbsps. of any one of the following:
jasmine, red rose or lavendar to 2 oz of oil.
Add a small piece of orris root to each bottle.
(for men) Mix together two parts Sangria rose petals to one
part cinnamon. Use two tbsps. of this
mixture to two oz of oil. Add a small piece
of orris root to each bottle.

Love Oil

Base oil 1oz
Lavender 1 drop
Orange 1 drop
Rose 1 drop ~Optional
Cinnamon 1 drop (may cause skin irritation for some, so be careful)
Ylang Ylang 1 drop (may cause headaches in some people.)

Lust and Seduction Oil

5 parts musk
5 parts civet
1 part ambergris
1 part patchouli

Mist and Shadows Oil
Use this oil when working in the space between the Faery Kingdom.

1/4 ounce Olive oil
4 drops Heather oil
3 drops Lemon oil
4 drops Lilac oil
5 drops Rose oil
10 drops Faery Magic Oil
10 drops Green Forest oil
5 drops Siberian fir oil
5 drops Honeysuckle oil
2 drops dark Musk oil
Oat Straw, Oakmoss herb
Peridot and Amethyst chips

Power Oil

4 drops Orange
1 drop Ginger
1 drop Pine

To increase spiritual power during potent rituals, anoint with power oil.

Prophetic Dreams

Base Oil 1oz
Jasmine 3 drops
Rose 1drp

Put in an oil infuser, or on your temples before you go to sleep.

Protection Oil

5 drops Petitgrain
5 drops Black Pepper OR
4 drops Basil
3 drops geranium
2 drops Pine
1 drop Vetivert

Wear for defensive magick protection against all kinds of attacks.
Also anoint windows, doors & other parts of the house to guard it.

Psychic Attack Protection Oil

5 drops Bregamot Oil
5 drops Dragon’s blood oil
5 drops Rue oil
5 drops Frankincense oil
Piece of High John root
1/2 oz. Carrier Oil

Wear to increase psychic powers when working with rune stones,
crystal balls & other tools. Used for defensive magick protection.

Seduction Oil
It is said that this oil will help you seduce anyone you may choose
when worn as a perfume. Anoint behind the ears, under the left
armpit, in the back of the neck and between the thighs.

5 drops Civit oil
5 drops Musk oil
2 Cardamon seeds crushed (remove from pod)
1 drop Patchouli oil
1/4 oz. Carrier Oil

Add crushed ingredients to 4 oz carrier oil.

Sacred Garden

Bergamot 1/4 oz
Juniper 1/4 oz
Lemon 1/8 oz

Star Daughter

Rose 1/4 oz (crushed dried petals)
Verbena 1/8 oz
Lilac 1/4 oz
Add to carrier oil, sweet almond.

Uncrossing Oil

Mix two parts sandalwood, patchouli leaves and myrrh,
with one part Five Finger grass (Cinquefoil Herb)
Add two tablespoons of this mixture to 2 ounces of oil.
Put a pinch of salt and 8 drops of household ammonia to each 1 oz bottle.
Shake well before use.

Van Van Oil – Open Roads

4 oz clear base oil
4 drams almond essential oil
1/2 dram white musk
1 dram wisteria
1 dram lemongrass

1 dram verbena

Makes you irresistible to the opposite sex. Increase Power of the user.
Anoint a Green 7 Knob Candle and burn a wish a day with each knob.

Visions Oil

4 drops Lemongrass
2 drops Bay
1 drop Nutmeg

Anoint forehead to produce psychic awareness and vision.
Excellent for Dream work.

Example of vial size for planning and storing your finished oils: click image for full size view

Measuring sizes: 1 mil to 1/2 oz vials or bottles

Measuring guide for vial size


26 comments on “Magick Oil Recipes

  1. Wow, your blog is awesome. So much useful information!

  2. Thank you. I found exactly what I was looking for. *She says with a sly smile* 😉

  3. great blog! I have already started making my own oils :). I have a question… how do you make the “desire me” oil?? 🙂

    • Thanks for letting me know, I am glad you found recipes and directions to get you started. You asked about “Desire Me Oil”, which is an attraction Oil. Some have given it this name, but traditionally it is a mixture of 3 drops of lavender, 2 drops Orange blossom oil and 1 drop of lemon oil mixed in 1/4 oz of a light base like almond oil. You can use other attraction oil recipes for promoting lust in your partner, and most are formulated with a simple spell for enhancing lust or love. Find a simple spell for this purpose when mixing your ingredients and use red candles for lust, white or pink for love. Blessed be~

  4. Thank you so so much for your quick response and guadance! I just have another question and hopefully I will not have more :)). You said that I have to pick a simple spell when I mix the ingredients of “Desire Me” oil.. I would really appreciate your guadance as to which spell I will have to use, because I thought that I only have to mix the ingredients. Since I have gotten inlvolved in oil-making, I want to do it properly and perfectly, and I want my oil to be very very strong. Please, enlighten me :))

    Thank you so much!!

    • I will tell you that the purpose for a spell is to concentrate your energies into what you create, the magic is in you. Your hands and your concentrated thoughts, as you formulate the oil, infuse what you desire (your intent). You probably understand what an aura is, you may have seen this visible energy source in images which burns brightly when you are in a high state of emotional focus. I want you to imagine your own aura when you perform a spell or when mixing your ingredients. Any spell is simply words you use to increase your focus, to ensure you are clear about the outcome of what you want. You can write your own spell and use the name of the person while visualizing what you want. If you are making an oil for non-specifc use, you will want to visualize “desire” itself, the spell words will reflect pleasure, lust and sexual attraction. As you speak the words you will want to intensify your emotion and that will infuse the oil.
      Use a red candle, place some apple blossoms or fresh dill around where you mix your ingredients, burn cinnamon incense. These items all enhance lust and desire, and your mind will associate this. Here is a general spell you can use.
      I want you too want me ,
      I want you too need me ,
      I want you too desire me,
      I want you too lust after me ,
      I want my desires met,
      I want lust to over flow into your body,
      In our night of passion you will lust and desire me,
      this is my will so mote it be.

      This should help you do it right.

  5. Once again, you were very helpful, quick, and detailed :)! I understand perfectly what you mean. I always concentrate and visualize what I want to achieve but I thought that that was not enough! I will follow your advice to the dot and let you know how it went! Thank you so much for all your guadance and help!!

  6. Hello again :). I made the oil and really felt good about it! There is something I want to do which requires “return oil”… what kind of ingredients does the return oil need? I will be needing your lights and knowledge once again afterall.. :). Thank you Magickwyrd!!

    • Hi George, do you mean “Return to Me” oil?

    • Civit Oil: Use on skin for love attraction and rituals to return a lost lover.

      Rose Oil: Also used in “Come to Me” recipe or Return to Me.

      These are very expensive ingredients, and they are from very old VooDoo or HooDoo recipes. There are many variations, but you should be specific if you are going to buy these costly oils for a powerful spell.

  7. Hello Magickwyrd! Ok, let me explain.. I recently broke-up with my gf and I have found a spell that needs as its called in the book “return oil”. What is a civit oil? are there variations of the return oil?? I mean, can I use different ingredients to make it if I cannot find the civit oil?? Thank you for your help Magickwyrd!

    • Civit oil is from the scent glands of the Civit cat, and is difficult to find. As I noted, Return to Me Oil is a Voudon recipe. I don’t use Voudon because it is specifically directed at an individual to force an outcome without the person’s consent or knowledge. You can find a recipe online, I just don’t advocate it’s use. It is one thing to encourage a response, like lust or love, it is another thing to direct a spell towards someone that changes their life’s direction. You can use the spell on my website to encourage a “lost lover to return”.

  8. Ok Magickwyrd :). I will try try your spell and let you know what happened! :):)

  9. You mention “Jinx Removal Oil” … What does that oil consist of?

    • Please type in “Jinx” in the search field on any of my pages (right side menu) and you will find “How to Remove a Hex or Jinx” which has the recipe and more information. Thank you for asking~ Blessed be.

  10. i dnt get all ingredients in my country

  11. what oil or oils do I use do I use too help a love one get release from prison, do you know any spells that might help…thank you

  12. I find myself with a bit of a problem here, and I am hoping you might be able to help me. I am trying to make an oil blend that requires Dragon’s Blood essential oil. The only essential oil I can find is Croton lechleri, and I need Daemonorops draco, which I cannot find in an essential oil ANYwhere. Do you know of a vendor who carries Daemonorops draco as an essential oil, or will I need to infuse a carrier with the powdered resin myself to create the oil? If so, would the best infusion process be low heat?

    • Austin, it is difficult to get the oil, yes. I have a good supply, I would share but the problem is the same for me. As to the resinous material, if you can buy it powdered, you can add a tablespoon into a 1oz oil base. I would use hazelnut or almond, another nut tree oil at least. I’m afraid low heat will not work well unless you use an oil base that is safe for the heat you apply, be careful. Once the resin has imparted an orange-red color to the oil you may have a strong enough blend, smell and touch is your best measure. It will feel granular. I don’t advise trying to use Dragon’s Blood chunks, it is extremely difficult to crush by hand and will stain everything you use in the process. Blessed be~

  13. Did you mislabel ‘Van Van’? That’s not generally used to increase attractiveness, and it has a pretty standardized use of palmarosa and lemon grass, ginger, etc.

    • Hi Sam, I did not mislable it, but I see I missed Lemongrass as one of the three main ingredients. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Vervain Essential Oil is sometimes listed as an ingredient, it is hard to come by and expensive, and Van Van is more often a blend of other oils with Lemongrass listed as a main ingredient, and Vervain as a substitute or additional ingredients mixed to replace it. You probably know Van Van Oil is “All Purpose” and ingredients are altered for very specfic use. This recipe is for attraction by “opening Roads” or giving the user an advantage in attracting someone to get their attention. Not specifically for love or sex.

      • >> but I see I missed Lemongrass as one of the three main ingredients

        Ah, yeah, that’s all that confused me– glad I could help proof-read. 🙂

        >> This recipe is for attraction by “opening Roads” or giving the user an advantage in attracting someone to get their attention.

        Oh, that’s clever! I didn’t think of it that way.

Contact Magickwyrd...thanks!